I’m beginning to wonder if I wasn’t a bit pessimistic when I said 80% of rails developper to switch to git before christmas ‘08. My own unscientific measurement for January show more than 50% of new projects are using git. If you still haven’t installed git and are looking for a reason, here’s one: Dr Nic is the new maintainer of the Rails Textmate Bundle and you’ll need git to get it. It includes new helpers specific to Rails 2.0. Speaking of Textmate, it looks like someone picked up the development of the git bundle. January also saw the release of thin and the next version of merb is now also on git. Seriously, I don’t think I need to keep pushing people to git anymore. The momentum is too strong and you will have to use git in the very near future. If you still need more convincing, here are a couple of very interesting links:

Hopefully all the links provided should help you understand git from different perspectives. One last goodie for the week: Carl Mercier released a small script to help work with remote branches. If you want to script common git tasks in ruby, take a look at Ruby/Git.