Note: These instructions are for Mac OS 10.4. I don’t know if they’ll work with Leopard.

Installing git is easy, just compile from the source. Git svn is harder to install because it is a bunch of perl scripts that needs the svn perl bindings (it comes with git btw). Here are the steps I recommend to make sure everything works.

First, we’ll install git using Macports. This will take care of installing all the required perl libraries:

$ sudo port install git-core +svn

However, macports installs a slightly old version of git. So I suggest downloading the latest and compiling from source.

$ sudo make install
 # Note: watch out for the way your PATH is setup 
 # to make sure you are using this new git version
 # instead of the macports version
$ git --version

Now if you try to run git svn, you might get an error about it not finding SVN/ That means your version of subversion does not include the perl bindings (which is the standard if you installed svn with macports). I suggest you install subversion from this package that includes the language bindings. Now you need to add this to your ~/.profile:

export PERL5LIB=/usr/local/lib/svn-perl

Everything should work. Now it’s time to import your svn repositories and enjoy git.