80% of Rails Developers To Switch To Git Before Christmas '08: How To Get Ahead And Start Now
Rails developers will switch to Git because just like Rails is ten times better than any java( or .Net) framework, git is ten times better than subversion.
I will be presenting git at the next Montreal On Rails. You may want to wait for my presentation to switch to git, but that means going a whole month without benefitting from git’s awesomeness. So here are a couple of links to get you started:
Linus Torvalds presentation on git at Google: You NEED to listen to this talk to change the way you look at source control and understand why git rocks so much. Linus is great and funny in this talk. Warning: he will call you stupid.
Peepcode screencast on git: Peepcode rules and this screencast will show you how to use git. It costs 9$, but if you were at the last Montreal on Rails, you should have a special code to get one screencast for free.
Using Git to Manage and Deploy your Rails Apps: Here’s another screencast that will walk you through setting up a new rails project using git, setting up a git server and then deploying with capistrano (capistrano 2.1 supports git for deployment).
Setting up a new Rails app with Git and Setting up a new remote git repository: two excellent and detailed walkthrough.
Why distributed version control: Very good explanation of the advantages of git.
Using Git for core development and Using GIT for Rails Development: Two other very good tutorials.
Git tutorial and git svn tutorial, two tutorials from the official site.
That should be enough to get you started. Make sure you listen to Linus’ talk. It’s one hour long, but it’s definitely worth it.