Extreme Programming (XP) is a revolutionary software development methodology in which programmers write code whilst skiing down mountains, parachuting out of airplanes, being chased by rapacious sharks, or participating in any of a wide variety of other extreme sports.

Extreme Programming - Uncyclopedia

There’s a lot of fun stuff at the uncyclopedia. Check it out. Also check this most excellent conference, Waterfall 2006.

After years of being disparaged by some in the software development community, the waterfall process is back with a vengeance. You've always known a good waterfall-based process is the right way to develop software projects. Come to the Waterfall 2006 conference and see how a sequential development process can benefit your next project. Learn how slow, deliberate handoffs (with signatures!) between groups can slow the rate of change on any project so that development teams have more time to spend on anticipating user needs through big, upfront design.